Net 'The Black' Svartr.
Rules and OOC
I am not my character, and my character is not me. Anything Net may do, how he acts or the actions he takes is not represented of myself OOC. Please respect those boundaries and understand that what Net may do, is not what I would do. OOC ≠ IC or vice versa. I expect people to respect this, as much as I respect it of you. Bleeding happens, but I don't want it to cause a problem.
I RP and interact with only those 18+ due to the content I enjoy. I'm sorry if you're under the age of 18, but I will not associate with you, nor do I plan on RPing with anyone's character that is not 18 or older. While we're all free to make and play characters we want, that does not mean I have to interact with them.
I enjoy all kinds of RP, but I mostly like the darker and more mature elements of it. Slice of life and carefree or adventure is fun, but the nitty and gritty of the underbelly of the world is where my desire tends to lead towards.All RP is fun and great however, so please feel free to approach me with anything you may wish to. It'll be fun, so long as its communicated!
Thank you for taking the time to read my card, I hope you enjoy!I am PST Time Zone, and work overnight from home. My hours tend to be weird, but I'm usually free and available sometime past 3-4pm to 6-7am PST. If you wish to talk and plan anything out, please reach out to my discord sutoshadowIf you're interested in RPing, please feel free to reach out and we can talk! Walk up and Tells are loved.
Character Details
Full name Net "The Blackend" Svartr
Years old Unknown
Gender Male
Race Viera (Veena)
Birthplace Dalmasca (Skatay Range)
Hair Color Black with Yellow highlights
Eye Color Glowing Yellow/Golden
Height 6ft
Weight 165lbs
Sexual Orientation Bi-Sexual
Relationship Status Non-Monogamous
Partners Ra'mele Lavendal, Rhela
Occupation Head of the The Network. Legal and Illegal networking for various businesses and the underground.

Life is like a river. It flows in all directions, wild and free. We may maneuver the stream as we wish, but it will ultimately go to the ocean or lake it is meant to.
Open, Friendly and Flirtatious, though Snarky and Quick Witted when annoyed. Net is far from a push over, despite not being quick to anger. He controls himself well enough, and doesn't let words get to him easily. However if he ever does lose his temper, be prepared for a fight that may not end well.Likes:
Magick in any form. Be it common or uncommon, especially the darker side of it. There is no limit, no boundary, on what one should, or can, learn.Flirting is something that is fun to do, compliments are always nice to hear, and when you can have fun with it, even better.Drugs are fun, both to deal in and to partake.Traveling is not something Net got to do much of, and has enjoyed being able to do such as of recent.Class and Style is always a nice thing both in life and in appearance. The look, smell, feel of being nicely dressed, living somewhere nice. It has a certain feel of pleasure to it.Dislikes:
Being taken advantage of will not turn out well for any who try it. Net doesn't do well with others trying to take from him.Arrogance from anyone who thinks they can get away with messing with Net, those he deals with, or those he employs. He has a temper, he just doesn't show it.Incompetence in others, needing to do everything himself while having others Net can rely upon. If you can't help him with his work, what use is there in you.Self-Entitlement is something everyone has, but when you try to push your own perspective or opinions while ignoring others, then you will have a hard time pushing your narritive while around Net.Magitek is not something Net is keen on. While he can manage around it, and those who use it, it is not a fond memory for him when anything resembling Garlean Magick is around him.
Net's tribe would wander the jungles and mountain peaks of the Skatay Range, roaming the lands between and living off the bounty of the Green. There was no one place his tribe would settle, each season they would find a place to live for a time, before moving off to the next place. Living free and content with what they had.Unfortunately it would not last, as the Garlean Empire came to take what they wanted when they invaded Dalmasca. None of Net's tribe understood what was happening, but they quickly learned when Garlean forces came into their lands and began taking and killing those of the tribe.Living within the Imperial system, Net experienced many difficulties. Being a slave to the Imperials and having to carry out duties, his family slowly began dying off from being overworked, or killed for 'insubordination'. It all made the next two decades of his life all the more painful as he could do nothing to stop it.Having managed to escape from his shackles and flee during a rebellion attack upon his Castrum, he found himself alone in the vast deserts of Dalmasca. Dying of malnutrition and dehydration, he would fall unconscious, only to awaken and find himself rescued by a band of nomads. They tended to his wounds and took him in, and thus he wandered with these people for many years, until once more, his family was taken from him.
Then tragedy struck once again...
The Nomads had been found by Imperials to be keeping a former slave hidden, and were killed for it. Net had lost yet another family. However such anger and grief was short lived as he was imprisoned again, and having been an escapee, the Imperials imparted unto him a reminder to never betray the Empire again. "Smile." They said. "For you are once again under the protection of the Empire."He was once again made a slave. For many years he worked, until the fateful day that Dalmasca managed to free itself with the help of the Eorzean Alliance. However Net did not celebrate. He was twisted, from the grief, anger, hatred and pain he'd suffered through.Once he was rescued and tended to, he made his way to Eorzea with those of the Alliance, where he planned to make a new life for himself. One where no one would ever be able to take from him again. He would keep everything he'd worked for. Never again would he suffer the loss he felt when as his tribe were taken from him. Nor when the Nomads were killed because of him.
The Network
- You may have heard of a Viera, classily dressed, who heads a business called The Network. A business that helps those needing to find someone, or something with skills or trades in particular. Word has it that this Viera can help others find these things, or people, they're looking for. Be it Mercenaries, Merchants, Artisans or Magi. There's also tell that he has connections with the underbelly for those looking for less than legal services.Financing:
- It would seem that a Viera that wears a mask has been in the business of financing lucrative businesses and endeavors. Offering the support of his resources and finances, in return for payment in gil, as well as information and or the opportunity to expand his web of connections.The Market of Black:
- There are whispers that tell of a Vieran man who has his foot in the Black Market and Underground. It seems he's become rather profitable from his involvement, having connections to various groups that deal with these sorts of businesses from arms to drugs, forbidden magicks to even wetwork.Azure Moon Lounge:
- Within Limsa's Mist there is a Lounge that people speak of, one that has a cool temperature compared to the arid desert city. A relaxed, yet classy, establishment where people can rest and have a drink, get to know other patrons and have a time out from tropical climate.Odd Aether and Eyes:
- Those who see Net with some form of Aetheric detection or Sight may seem to have a hard time understanding the odd flux in his Aether. It's dense and seems to shimmer, or put out a slight shudder to those more sensitive to feeling such things. It's almost as if the aether around, and within him, seems to recycle itself in and out of him, from head to feet.

~Ra'mele Lavandel~
Net's partner, his energetic Seeker. She's hyper and always jumping about, but don't let the cutness fool you. She can be quite malicious, but she's also someone who enjoys making friends.

Net's loyal, his hound, being someone he can trust fully and completely. She helps to drive him to do more, always pushing forward to gain more and never accept less.